The Collective Forager

Mycoforestation and Education

Using the principles of permaculture and Mycoforestation, we create inclusive landscapes that benefit the owner, student, harvester and processor. We offer Mycolandscaping done on small and large properties. If you have 10 acres or more of predominantly forested lands in Ontario can get 75% off your forest land taxes. Contribute to fungal conservation, fungal education and facilitate the long-term health of endemic, rare and fungal species of interest. Forests are managed for Biodiversity, Conservation, Fungal vitality, and Climate Resilience.

Olivier Herlin – Registered Managed Forest Plan Approver, BSc in Ecology; MSc in Mycorrhizal Fungi


What We Do

Consult about a Managed Forest Plant

We maintain & harvest permaculture gardens; sharing the produce as a collective with you, others and a food bank* depending on your interests.

We design forests and make them accessible

*The Daily Bread Food Bank, located on New Toronto St, accepts donations that serve 50-100 people and requires larger harvests. Smaller harvest can be distributed to local food banks or accordingly based on freshness and storage capabilities.

Our Permaculture Community in Numbers




experts working