Member Relationships

While every member can have unique relationships we focus on growing an alternate food system together.

  1. Mycolandscaping: we offer consultation (Solar audits available), food-forest map designs, plantings, maintenance and harvesting support. we want everyone to have the knowledge and abundance in their own backyards.
  2. Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program. If you have 10 or more acres of Forested Lands we can create and approve Forest Management Plans in the Forest Management Tax Incentive Program in Ontario. Saving 75% of forest property land tax in Ontario. This is geared towards the owner’s interests and goals simultaneously following good Forestry Practices of Ontario. Our expertise are in Mycoforestry as a tool to remediate polluted lands, increase biodiversity, climate resilience, and Identity and DNA sequence endemic, rare and special fungal species of interest.
  3. Foraging Collectively: If you do not own property like me and many adults and youth, we offer equitable forays that on public property offer identification, and remediation education and on private property with permission introduce people to foraging. As an homeowner you have the opportunity to host 1- many days where guided tours are held on your property.
  4. Seasonal plantings and harvest planning and planting. Are you also a permaculturalist? We can team up to be harvesting unimaginable food in the city of Toronto and GTA. We offer support of the various fungal species in the spring. We can offer many fruit, berry, nut and wildflower plantings held in the spring/fall. Garlic plant in the fall.
First year transition in Creating a Food Forest.
Providing a quantitative solar audit.

First year transition a lawn into a food forest.

This picture depicts a young seven layer food forest that is supportive of insects, animals and the greater ecosystem. Integrating instead of working around the large Norway spruce, we plan and think beyond property boundaries. Swales prevent erosion and capture water.

What relationship are you looking for?