
Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program. We develop, create and approve Forest Managed Plans in Ontario saving 75% of forested Property Land Tax if owner’s have 10 or more acres of Forested Lands. This is geared towards the owner’s interests and goals simultaneously following good Forestry Practices of Ontario. Our expertise are in Mycoforestry as a tool to make people eligible in the program in as little as 2 years, remediate polluted lands, increase biodiversity, increase climate resilience, Identify and DNA sequence endemic, rare and special fungal species of interest and educate people about fungi and forests.

Past Projects:

Hazelnuts are the ideal urban tree: shallow rooted, 4 meters maximum in height (very small tree), full sun to part shade, in the oak guild community, provides critical food for wildlife, flowers in the winter (something besides snow to look at), Hazelnuts are Ect-endo mycorrhizal able to host variable fungal diversity. However, hazelnuts require cross-pollination, which means two genetically different varieties and compatible pollination periods are required for the tree to produce nuts. Hazelnuts are also sensitive to colder climates so accurate hardiness varieties should be selected. The Collective Forager is happy to provide information and history on many other native ecto and endo mycorrhizal plants as well as edible nut and fruit trees.

The Garlic Project

The Garlic Project

Grow your own garlic for a year or perrenial garlic for several years and support others!

Garlic is THE fall crop to plant and early spring crop to harvest at The Collective Forager!