Our Team

Olivier Herlin | Operations Director

Registered Forest Plan Approver; Bachelor of science in Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Chemistry; Masters of Science in Mycorrhizal Fungi; Guide for Mycological Society of Toronto; volunteer for other important people in the world.

Jacob Edwards-Shell | Care

Jacob is busy helping make the world a better more engaging place and we miss him in being the logistics director. Jacob overseed the harvesting and logistics of bringing produce and foraged food to where it was needed. He graduated with a degree in kinesiology, and wants to bring together the health of the human being and the food in the city.

Luz Paczka | Innovation Director

Luz’s foundation is in Co-design for community health. As an immigrant Luz finds that many people of Toronto and the GTA are newcomers and do not receive equitable access to understand and learn about the land and waters of Toronto. This step is essential to decolonize and begin to heal themselves and the land. She has been able to develop skills related to design thinking from across the world. Luz brings her skills to The Collective Forager by shaping the culture and processes required in each project we take on.

Collective Foragers who are planters at heart and give to the community: